We have used portable ground blinds as part of our hog and turkey hunting program for years and this is what we have found.
The tall blinds are nice for the longer bows and for guys who don't shoot with much of a cant...(Barronett, Brickhouse, Primos recurve etc.
The trouble with those blinds is the fabric...it is too thin, tears from brush, and doesn't last long if you leave it up in the weather. The UV just eats them alive. (We have way too much sun in FL to leave them out) Ask me how I know this.
If you want a really good quality pop-up blind that is a bit shorter, but that will last a lot longer and will not flap in the wind, then the only choice I know is the Primos/Double Bull Dark Horse type or the original older models with the smaller windows and Predator camo. I can shoot my 60" recurve just fine with minimum cant. Anything much longer without much of a canted shooting style might be a problem.
One way to help with the longer bows is to dig yourself a hole inside the blind. A bit of work I will admit.
Another blind that we haven't tried yet, but want to, is the Hidden Hunter. I think it might be taller and it might have the good strong material.
The only complaint I have heard with these is the cables or rods??(not sure which)going across the floor. I think these are necessary to stretch out the other frame and keep the fabric tight.
We are also going to build some "concrete mesh" blinds as seen on another post here, whereby you take a roll of 6"x6" wire concrete reinforcing mesh and form it around four steel fence posts, then cover it with a camo material. Roof optional, but can be made from bent and fastened PVC conduit or plumbing pipe.
Of course these are not as portable, but the author of the post here says he can build them for around $85 complete.
Just some thoughts that might help.
Good Luck
Irv Eichorst