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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: How NOT to ship a bow  (Read 2254 times)

Offline Ryman Cat

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Re: How NOT to ship a bow
« Reply #40 on: September 07, 2013, 07:25:00 PM »
I also have gotten bows in these triangle flimsy boxs and the bows survived but thats because I was lucky and so was the person who shipped. These need to be protected because the shipping today takes on new levells of destruction most of us see when we get our boxs and its rough. I can see arrows but not an expensive bow. Flimsy boxs save on weight but it can cost a lot in aggravation and heart ache should the item get damaged because of poor handling procedures along the way.

Offline Kituwa

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Re: How NOT to ship a bow
« Reply #41 on: September 07, 2013, 07:25:00 PM »
I had a friend that worked at UPS, and he told me to never ship in a round tube. He says they stack a bunch of boxes on pallets and use a fork lift to move it, the round tubes roll off and get ran over by the fork lift.I think maybe the best way would be a tube inside of triangle or rectangles box so it wont roll. I usually just use two triangles taped together just like your bow came in,lol, but so far no damage and most bows that i bought came the same way too.

Offline elkken

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Re: How NOT to ship a bow
« Reply #42 on: September 07, 2013, 10:06:00 PM »
I was in the corrugated packaging business, making cardboard boxes, for 41 years. The triangle boxes you get at the post office should not be used to ship high value items with any weight to them. Corrugated board is incredibly strong when designed correctly. For shipping bows, rectangular, shallow, multiwall design boxes are best or as many have mentioned ship them in PCV tubes or the carpet tube ..... do not ship them in singlewall triangle boxes from the post office or you will most likely be disappointed. I always wrap all the pieces of a bow before packing it into a box or tube with bubble wrap, newspaper, or something cushioning for added protection and I do not spare the tape. Good luck to all .....
Sometimes it's better to be lucky than good

TGMM Family of the Bow

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