this morning my firewood cutting buddy came over to help me get the points set on my '67 chev truck...
he saw I had an old traditional bow on the rack and said he had something I might like...
after we got the 327 runnning good...he asked me to come back over to his shop and pick something up...
he gave me a really nice old Fred Bear...and said have at it...
I worked in an old sporting goods stores back in the day as a teenager and older...I used to set up all the old Fred Bears back then,..I am talking 1970-72...and later too...but this story really goes back to the early 1970's...
in the day FB had 6 packs of arrows in cool boxes w/ heads on them...also all the cool quivers and limb socks etc...the arrows were painted brown...
the bows were so beautiful to fiberglass limbs and risers that were so nicely sanded and shaped...
today my friend gave me a 1970 grizzly...55# @ 28...a real has a really nice riser too...perfect condition...I mean "perfect" glass fissures at the fade like so many old bows have...and just needing a nice coat of wax to make it come back to life...
I broke my old bow rule tonite...I actually had to shoot it(usually I always so dont do that) looked brand new...and shot like it was ready for me to go hunting tommorow morning...
here are a few pics...thanks Timmy!
this bow was the first ones to have a "multi-wood" riser...
and yes...I do have the t'shirt...LOL...
I actually have the old school FB rags for the rest plate and shelf...I just hope the adhesive is still goo...if not Super Glue will fill in easy...
a no BS 20yard group with the old grizz...