straight too it! I use a styless light by streamlight for approaching the stand, its 1 single green LED that aluminates about a 20" circle on the ground and you cannot see the LED from the sides or front so I'm in complete darkness going in. I don't sneak or be careful I just walk as quiet as possible and don't stop and I've had deer not spook when doing this.
I walked in and climbed right up into my stand a few seasons ago and looked down at a 7-foot buck about 10yds from my tree in the briars laying down. I did have a leafy suit on so that helped but once my arm reached up for my bow he exploded out of there,,, the approach he was fine,, MD also walking right to the stand the deer didn't spook,, they only spooked when I stopped and stop moving..... urban hunting means don't act like a hunter.