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Traditional Archery for Bowhunters


Author Topic: Swing and a Miss......  (Read 1177 times)

Offline old_goat2

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Re: Swing and a Miss......
« Reply #20 on: October 14, 2013, 11:56:00 PM »
It don't have to be a P&Y to feel that way:) I missed a decent  5x Bull Elk at 7 paces two seasons ago, it was so cool to get a shot like that, that I didn't even care till the season was over and my freezer was empty. this year I bungled a shot on a tiny little 4x bull and was thoroughly pissed at myself and it was at least 4 or 5 times as far away. I think the reason I was mad this year was because I actually got a deer last year and had higher expectations of my shooting, lol! There is always next time!
David Achatz
Various bows, but if you see me shooting, it's probably a Toelke in my hand!

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Re: Swing and a Miss......
« Reply #21 on: October 15, 2013, 01:11:00 AM »
Might be another encounter with him yet
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Offline akaboomer

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Re: Swing and a Miss......
« Reply #22 on: October 15, 2013, 01:34:00 AM »
Been there. Missed a big nine point, 130ish, at about 17steps. Just under the brisket,  so close I wasn't sure I missed at first. Then an hour later center punch a doe at 26 steps.  I shot five times at deer last season and the nine was the only shot that wasn't centered. So far this season we haven't got picture of him either. Hope you get another shot at him.


Offline MOstate

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Re: Swing and a Miss......
« Reply #23 on: October 15, 2013, 11:44:00 AM »
I had something strange happen to me 2 years ago. 145in 9pt at 15 yards, quatering away. at the shot, he turned uphill, then back down quickly, arrow disappearing into brown hide. As he ran off, i saw blood behind the shoulder, he stood downhill for 5min and trotted off. Found blood where he stood that looked bubbly (small pool, then nothing) and my arrow had a small line of blood from tip of broadhead to the back of the nock...looked and looked to no avil. that one haunts me as it's the only buck i've shot at with my recurve
Fred Bear Grizzly #55
"so, have you gotten anything with your bow without sights?" - Grandma

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