I just picked up a Trad Tech Black Onyx riser with a set of Dryad Epic recurve limbs. Being new to this ILF game I'm a bit confused. I'm reading in the users manual that the minimum limb setting is turns out from the limb bolts being snug. If I remove the limbs,bottom the limb bolts out, and then loosen 5 turns. the limbs do not fit under the limb bolts?
Here is what the user manual says....
NEVER adjust the ******** bow’s limb bolts out beyond the factory minimum weight setting. This is found by loosening and removing the In-Line Limb Bolt Lock Screws and tightening your limb bolts lightly snug and then loosen counterclockwise a total of 5 turns. DO NOT shoot your bow with the Limb Bolts adjusted tighter that 3 ½” turns from the factory base minimum setting or if starting to set-up, when loosened 1 ½ turns from snug.
AND THEN, it says....
* The factory maximum weight setting can always be duplicated by removing the In-Line Limb Bolt Locking
Set Screws and tightening the Limb Bolts lightly snug against the bronze limb bushings and then turning the
Limb Bolts counterclockwise two(2) turns, then replacing and re-tightening the Locking Set Screws securely.
Am I supposed to be snugging up against the riser or the limbs themselves?