I've hunted deer around cattle my whole life, and around here, anyway, cattle cause deer (whitetails) to move off. They will hang in an area, but the whitey's need secure cover to bed in, free of cows. Cows also destroy the deer cover. Just my opinion and observations. They will tolerate cows in a shared pasture, or if they are passing through an area between feeding and bedding that has cows, but they won't bed in an area with cows.
Mule deer are a whole different animal, seemingly more tolerant. Same with elk. Whitey's won't tolerate elk for that matter in the same bedroom either....they are (cattle and elk) just too large, noisy, and gregarious.
There is nothing more frustrating than setting up, weeks ahead of time, to hunt a certain area at a certain time....and have cows move in just before you hunt it, and scare all the deer away. You may "see" deer, but "seeing" ain't "shooting".