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Author Topic: Ever touch an adult deer?  (Read 2496 times)

Offline Cookie125

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Re: Ever touch an adult deer?
« Reply #40 on: November 22, 2013, 09:07:00 PM »
Not a deer but while working one summer I accidentally kicked a red fox in the back of the head. Scared me senseless.

Offline John146

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Re: Ever touch an adult deer?
« Reply #41 on: November 22, 2013, 09:41:00 PM »
Just saw a picture from a guy I know in MO that decided to jump on a doe that passed within 3 feet. The picture was of the knot and cut on his forehead where that doe kicked him. His words, "Not my best idea."
Todd Trahan
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Re: Ever touch an adult deer?
« Reply #42 on: November 23, 2013, 12:41:00 AM »
Originally posted by saltwatertom:
OK, yea. I roped a moose once, by the antlers…….DO NOT try this at home, bad Idea    :scared:      :scared:  

When I lived in Colorado I caught a deer as it was running out of a barn and bulldogged it to the ground. I asked the gal that was with me if she wanted FRESH venison. When she could talk again (mouth hanging open    :eek:  ) she said yes and I dispatched it with a knife.    
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Offline mooseman1967

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Re: Ever touch an adult deer?
« Reply #43 on: November 23, 2013, 09:54:00 AM »

Here's a doe I came up on earlier this season. We had 6" of rain a couple days before and she appeared to be stuck. It didn't take much to get her out of the crotch of the tree but she was so worn out I had to drag her up the bank. After I got her up on the bank she wouldn't move without help. The video is me trying to get her farther from the swollen creed so she wouldn't fall back in. Checked the area 3 days later and no signs of her or hair piles so maybe she made it. Yes I have touched a live deer!


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Re: Ever touch an adult deer?
« Reply #44 on: November 23, 2013, 10:46:00 AM »
Originally posted by JMG:
Originally posted by Kirkll:
I roped a mule deer once upon a time... long story, but true. The dad burn thing drug me through the sage brush for almost 50 yards before i could stop it's forward motion, and mine as well. I was afraid to let go of the rope and have the deer run off and end up hanging itself.... my hunting partner at the time was laughing so hard he wet his pants.

By the time we took the deer down and got the rope off off that crazed deer, we both looked like we'd been run through a shredder. Bull dogging a deer isn't as easy as you think. This small buck was only about 150 pounds, and whipped both of us good and proper.

At least i had it by the head. My partner took a real beating taking the rear end. Talk about a rodeo!.... i wouldn't recommend it....  Kirk
I would have paid good money to see all this transpire!!   :biglaugh:  

So now you have... "The rest of the story" Kirk

Offline Doc Nock

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Re: Ever touch an adult deer?
« Reply #45 on: November 23, 2013, 11:55:00 AM »
Umm....Kirk... Only thing missing from that recant was "here hold my beer and watch this!" comment!

I'm sure you could have made money with such a video...enough to pay for the bruises anyway!

I once read a story in an email about some guy roping a buck at a stock tank and the rodeo that ensued.

Pound for pound, deer are one tough hombre!
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Offline bofish-IL

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Re: Ever touch an adult deer?
« Reply #46 on: November 23, 2013, 12:19:00 PM »
I was logging with my dad years ago and my brother would trim the limbs and top the fallen trees. I ran the skidder and was returning from skidding the trees out to the landing. On the return trip my brother was sitting on a stump watching my dad fall a tree. A young doe had her nose stuck within inches of my brothers back and he didn't have a clue she was there. As I got closer she calmly waked off without him even knowing what had happened. There were actually times they would walk right in front of the skidder while dragging logs out then calmly step aside as I drove past.
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Offline loneviking

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Re: Ever touch an adult deer?
« Reply #47 on: November 24, 2013, 04:50:00 AM »
Oh yeah, a time or two. There's a nice little three point Mulie at wife's work in town that's so tame you can touch him. Course, that's because people feed and water him. There's a good sized deer herd in town that know they are safe!

Well, almost safe. I ride a bicycle and really enjoy finding a small group of does and fawns in the fall sauntering down the road. I've goosed a couple of the does flying past on the bike and they don't quite know what to do. Some will whirl and want to lash out but I'm gone by then!

Offline Cory Mattson

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Re: Ever touch an adult deer?
« Reply #48 on: November 24, 2013, 08:53:00 AM »

few years ago I was shooting my bow when this deer walked up to me. I scratched him behind the ears - got him some water and spent a few minutes talking to him in a low quiet voice. Took some pictures and eventually I started to shoot my bow while he watched. He walked away and I never saw him again but he had a white spot in his hooves - to this day I still look at a bucks hooves before I shoot when I hunt the neighborhood  :)

me and uncle barry caught a buck one time and saved him from sure death in slush ice.

years earlier I pulled off the NJ Parkway when I saw a deer flayling I ran to it grabbed it and unpopped it off the top of a fence - it had metal just inside the skin and wasn't hurt (yet) but couldn't get off.

one time I walked in on some dogs who ran a doe during turkey season. I shot 2 of the dogs - another ran away - I thought the doe was going to fall over and went to catch her - she steadied and walked off.

another time I came up on a buck who was stuck in a lake at the bottom of a shear cliff and he was fading - front hooves just scraping at the rocks getting zero traction. I idled over spoke softly and grabbed his antler firmly - he instantly relaxed (I think he thought it was game over) I throttled slightly and dragged him 2/3rds a mile across the lake - as soon as his back legs touched     sand he regained control and bolted from my grip as is shot out of a cannon.

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Offline Azwatasha

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Re: Ever touch an adult deer?
« Reply #49 on: November 24, 2013, 09:15:00 AM »
Originally posted by onemississipp:
  That's about like kicking a turtle while riding down the highway on a motorcycle! Seems cool until you do it.
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Offline hawkeye n pa

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Re: Ever touch an adult deer?
« Reply #50 on: November 24, 2013, 12:17:00 PM »
Yes,  some years ago we had a little loner doe around.  She would basicaly stick her head in the green briars and be "hidden".  She didn't make doe season.

Years ago had a deer drive going on and a doe jumped the greenbriars and landed on a posters foot.  Tore the boot and really bruise his foot.

Also like other have, I've touched them with a bow tip.
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Re: Ever touch an adult deer?
« Reply #51 on: November 24, 2013, 01:38:00 PM »
About kicking a turtle while riding a motorcycle. I had a buck jump off of high roadside on a hillside blacktop in eastern Iowa while on my motorcycle. I slung the bike over just like I did with my flat track racing bike, as in, kick the back wheel right steer right and lay the bike over to the left. I scooped under the deer. Oddly enough, the bike popped back up on its wheels with only minor damage. I watched the buck for a bit. He seemed to have a slight limp at first, but seemed to walk it off and looked fine. I had deer hair in my pockets, my mouth and inside my leather jack and under my shirt.
About kicking stuff while riding a motorcycle. Once a group of Harley dudes were on a road constuction area ahead of me. The lead dude was being a pain with his foot out kicking over the orange cones at about 45 miles per hour. One of them was filled with concrete and shot him off that bike. The Harley went end over end in the rerods and he got a floppy leg that had an odd 90 degree bend between his knee and his ankle.

Offline backcountrybowman

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Re: Ever touch an adult deer?
« Reply #52 on: November 24, 2013, 08:38:00 PM »
Not an adult, but last year with my ghillie suit sitting up against a gnarly apple tree I had a fawn buck come in and actually sniff and lick my broadhead.  He jerked back a little when his tongue touched the broadhead.  Then, he put his nose directly on the top of my boot and got a little flustered with the snoutful of human scent.  He was within 5 feet of me for over 15 minutes browsing,one of the coolest experiences I've had in the woods!

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