I was fortunate to have several different deer within a few yards of me while hunting on the ground the last week and a half and most were bucks..Two were very big 8 pointers but I just couldn't get a shot on one at 12 yards and the other I totally missed the shot and my own fault But I thanked the Lord each day for giving me a few good days with just He and I sitting still and enjoying the simple smells of the Autumn and squirrels,woodpeckers,geese overhead and watching turkeys come down from roosting above my head and watched as the leaves turned color and fall and blanket the forest floor...I had a very successful hunt even though no tags were filled...I just counted my blessing and appreciate you starting this post cause a successful hunt doesn't even have to involve seeing the game animal we were expecting and hoping for but it sure does add "iceing on the cake" so to speak doesn't it?