I have owned a Sentman Moosejaw lb for many years and it is the one bow that I would not or have not attempted to sell or sold. My bow is 64", 50# at 28". It is a smooth drawing bow and comfortable in the hand and does not have the handshock that others complain about. I'm not sure I can post this last bit of data because of Tradgang policy regarding posting. If this is not all right the mods can delete this part of the post. Contact Lee Robinson, I believe he is a member here and I believe he used to be a sponsor. Just check the directory here for an e-mail address. Lee is a bowyer who learned the trade from Gary makes a longbow similar to Gary's. Lee has owned about every bow that Gary has made and has a great deal of knowledge regarding those bows. Gary has come out with a new longbow I think it is called the Recon or something like that. Gary Sentman does not post on this forum, but does on the Stickbow site and you find his e-mail address there. I hope this helps with your search while I hope I am not violating posting policy for this site.