A friend of mine, now deceased, was head of California Fish and Game 40 years ago. He got a lot of complaints about deer foraging through people's shrubbery in Marin county. For those of you not familiar with the particulars of California, Marin county is the bedroom community just to the north of San Francisco where everything you imagine about California is true. So he proposed an archery deer season in Marin county to deal with the problem. Well, you would think he had proposed an open season on schoolchildren. Condoms were proposed for the deer, and various other impractical solutions, as a result of which the deer continued to forage on shrubbery.
Years later, when I was visiting friends in Marin county, who knew I was a bowhunter, but knew nothing about hunting themselves, they asked me if I would like to shoot a few of the deer who were browsing on their shrubbery through their kitchen window. I explained to them that deer that are shot with arrows don't usually drop dead on the spot, but have a tendency to run into neighbors' yards and drop dead there, which could prove embarrassing, so the deer continued to browse unabated.