Ours have disappeared this fall. We used to have a bunch in our yard and we live in the city. Had one doe early Sept. who hung around. I was walking up the hill from our house to my shop and she was standing in front of the shop door. She was 10 yards from me and watched me unlock the door and go in. When I came back out she was still there and I talked to her a bit about how foolish she was acting. Not sure, but I think she told me to mind my own business and was still standing there when I got back to the house.
A few years ago we had a few (doe and 2 fawns) who grazed under our bedroom window. My wife thought they were so cute she started putting shelled corn out. I told her it was
a. against MI no-baiting law
b. gonna create a nuisance problem
Never got any trouble from the DNR, but the 3 grew to 11 and then they started on her holly bushes and she didn't find them so cute any more.