So my buddy and I go duck hunting this am and had a few missed opportunities but nonetheless it was a lot of fun. Black Belly Whistling Ducks 10 yards in front of the boat flying so slow. We didn't shoot them because we didn't think they were ducks at first and it was just hitting sunrise.
Well on the way back home we were driving down one of the back roads and spotted a deer up ahead. For FL it was a nice 8 point and I was shocked seeing that it was 11 am. Well as we got close the deer decided to run along the road for (no exaggeration) a half mile. To start with I have never see a deer run this long and being so close. Secondly that sucker was running at a constant 32 mph, I could not believe they ran that fast. Despite the fact he almost busted a few times, I followed him at a safe distance. I really wish I had that on video but my phone was in my shell bag in the boat.
Well that's my little story for tonight.