Well some of you have no doubt seen my arrow posts - from carbon madness to woody building questions. I was out shooting tonight and sent one of my cedars just over the target bag. Apparently the fence poles behind it are footed with cement. You guessed it, arrow found the cement under the surface and broke. I just chuckled. Clearly I need a better backstop, but I just can not for the life of me get mad at woodies. Every so often I have to bend a little curve out of one or two, and yes, a carbon may have survived a hit like that, but man I shoot wood so good and tinkering with them is so fun I'll gladly suffer some breaks. As per my crafting questions, ordering the surewood shafts is about my last step. Amassing the equipment bit by bit under the wifes nose has been akin to dropping pocketfuls of dirt into the gym yard in order to tunnel out of prison, but I'm just about there! Haha I managed to salvage the nock by just twisting with fingers (maybe not a great endorsment for the folks who put these together, but I haven't had any problems so I'm not complaining), and just for fun was able to cut the feathers off and sand the bottoms clean again (kind of penny pinching but it was more just to see if I could). If you never have, I would suggest giving wood a try. Once you're happy with your bow set up, the only logical tinkering next-step is the arrow! And working with wood arrows is so rewarding. I find them very forgiving, quiet, accurate, and hard hitting. Yes, that one broke, but as I've been pushing my target array back to the 20 meter mark there have been more than a few unexpected survivors. Next step will be crafting my own, which will be right after Christmas. I hear surewoods can take an even better beating, haha well I'm the guy to find out! Anyways, for all of those here who steered me onto woodies, thank you. Its been an educational trip so far, and I'm only just begining. Happy shooting!