I lost my wife to cancer this year, she didn't want any mounts in the house, she decorated the house like she wanted to and kept it immaculate. I never made an issue about her choice and adjusted to agree with her completely after several years of marriage and getting out of "single man" mode.
I mounted the first big buck I killed 40 years ago, back when they stuffed the cape with sawdust, looks real bad now. Killed several huge bucks since but grew to realize that for me, mounts are a poor representation of the magnificence of a live buck but the memories of the hunt will never fade.
I tack up my antlers on the wall of my shop along with my ancient 8 point mount, they fit the best out there.
Honor your wife's opinion guys, somewhere down the road you may will look back and see the respect and consideration you had for your wife as a huge feather in your cap.