Generally speaking, I'd have to vote yes! Like many others have said already, if they avoided EVERY instance of fresh coyote sent, they would have NO place to go! I am convinced the coyotes are that thick around these parts for certain. Right up until about 5 years ago, I would NEVER see coyotes on stand....NEVER! Im still hunting the same half dozen stands that I have been the past 20 years around this area....stands that are scattered around 3 adjacent towns....and I see coyotes on the regular! And I always see them AFTER the deer come through....and they are Following the deer traffic direction. I now hunt coyotes specifically, after the deer season (yup, theres a coyote season here!)
I believe that whatever mixing of deer and coyotes we observe, is simply happen stance and on account of the fact that coyotes are VERY smart....and deer well, .....they ARE great survivalists!
Prey animals avoid predators....period! Its the general rule thats gotta be close to a billion years old by now.