I'm not sure how close to center the bow is, looks like nearly center cut... also don't know how long you like your arrows cut, to BOP.
With a 27" draw, lets say arrows 28" to BOP, my guesstimate is in the 60/65# range with those points. I'm just getting things rolling here, I'm no seasoned expert... but been shooting woods for some years, building 'em for a couple, and thinking your bow looks similar to my wife's Toelke.
As far as choice of wood - doug fir. At your arrow length, you should be able to get shafts at the lighter end of the range in your spine that will total out around 550 grains. I've been sealing our shafts with Tung oil, rather than dipping in poly, to keep weight down, also. You can buy Surewood's in a 30" shaft length, and save a few dollars doing so. Spruce will be easier to keep in your weight range, but I find them less durable than fir for roving.