Lets see your favorite tool or worker bows.
I just got done touching up nicks and dings on my 4 main bows and replaced the grips on 3 of them.
The top 2 are reynolds bows that i use for bowfishing. both are over 15 years old and used very hard. bounced around in airboats, lost over board once for 3 hours until i found it, and spent most of thier lives covered in fish guts and blood and bug spray.
The bottom 2 are robertsons that are both over 10 years old and i rotate each year witch is my main bow for the season.
All 4 bows are 63# at 26" and 62" long. they are basically all identical. They are all work bows and hunt in all weather conditions and all terrains. have spent nights hanging in a tree outside tents in all night rains and also sub zero temps. been dropped from tree stands, used as hooks to pull branches down, etc. I love them, and use them hard.
It just amazes me the crap a longbow can take and still keep going...knock on wood, they will last me the rest of my hunting days, or until i need to drop in draw weight.