I decided last year to only use a cutting head when attempting to bow shoot squirrels.
I was out hunting them with my daughter's little pink .22 (no laughter, it's a great shooting gun!) and shot one off of a limb about 30' up. It fell, and thumped the ground, HARD. I thought that was a dead squirrel. I was proven wrong when it got up and ran away from me.
I still swear that I saw it pause, look back at me and raise it's middle squirrel-finger, laugh at me and disappear forever. :eek:
Seriously, when that happened I realized that when I was trying to shoot one with a bow, a cutting style head would be the only way I had any hope of killing one with an arrow (short of hitting one in the eye).
I still haven't connected with an arrow YET, but I will only attempt it with broadheads or an edged small game head from now on.