I have a Rover and several hats from Rob. First class clothing all the way. He has gone above and beyond to stay "USA". However, reality is reality. Many companies must make some items overseas in order to still make some here. If one doesn't understand that, I'm sorry, but they just don't understand the modern business world.
I for one, having had a lot of outdoor retail experience since 1993 would certainly buy a cotton flannel from Rob, if of the highest quality, no matter the nation of origin. I've bought European made rifles scopes, European rifles and shotguns and German made Puma knives. They are some of the best hunting gear I own.
It's not as if Rob is buying junk material from the far East.
Trying to find high quality cotton flannel, made in the USA at prices traditional archers will pay is like finding an Apple I Phone made by union workers in Detroit. Good luck with that.
Here we have a gentleman that caters to the traditional archery crowd and he's trying his best to make shirts and coats that the traditional folks want to own. I will support that, 100%!