Decided to get some quality time behind a bow with a BCY-X string.
Nothing radical--20 strand flemish with the loops padded to 24 with B-55. Gives a string that's similar in size to 12 strands of Dynaflight '97, maybe a touch bigger. Bow is pulling
[email protected] (45@28) I could have gone with fewer strands, but I didn't see any reason to. Besides that, I wanted to check out an average strand count string.
Decided to use a bow that shouldn't give any unfair advantages, so I went with a Samick Journey (64"). Think they retail for around $130.
I was in a hurry--bow was new, I'd never shot it, so I twisted up a string on Wednesday before leaving for the Pre-Spring Arrow Fling early Saturday morning. Shot it 2-3 dozen times before we left. No time for any kind of fine tuning. Got lucky with the arrows--they flew great without any adjusting.
Shooting arrows that are right at 8.5 gpp, with one small set of cat whiskers on the string, I got lots of comments on how quiet it was, and on how quick. I know it's faster than the longbow I normally shoot (I shoot it with heavier arrows also--9.5 gpp). I consistently shot high with with the recurve, at various distances. I haven't chronographed it, but I was averaging 187 with my longbow.
Very stable and consistent material. I've barely shot anything in the last 6 months or more, and still shot a 314 (36 target course) or just under 9 points per target--and I'm not a great shot. This bow is brand new to me as well.
The material is still very new, but so far I'm loving it, and I haven't heard any negatives. Hope to try it out on another bow or two before long and see how it goes.