I have about the same specs as you and that is what worked for my 50# Hill. I have a low 50s yew right hand, I no longer shoot right handed, that may have a 1/16" deeper sight window that will shoot those same arrows. I quite often used 50-55 cedars with 160 up front or 1918s with 200 grains worth of point and insert when using a padded fast flight. All of my arrows with broad heads are 27" bop. I shoot split fingers and fletch my arrows so the hen feather is angled, not straight down, with my string nock under the arrow 1/8" up from square. With Hill bows and draw lengths under 27" the spine requirements go down fast compared to center shot recurves. I have seen many guys shooting very long arrows with higher spines, but the Hill way was to use minimum length arrows. I am always pleased with how net length arrows shoot, those are target arrows are measured to the front shoulder of the point and drawn completely onto the shelf. Shooting net length arrows is Avery good way to control and establish a consistent draw length.
Pardon any miss typing, I am not so smooth on this iPod.