I've found fletch tape holds easily as well as glue and, yes, when it comes time to re-fletch (cause the feather is worn, not loose) they are easier to remove than glued-on feathers. They work as well as glue and you don't have to wait for glue to dry therefore, they're faster. What's not to like. I'll fletch a dozen, then add the drop of glue front and back and let them dry. Pretty easy, pretty fast, and easily lasts the two years or so that I expect from an arrow. After a couple years, it's time for a new color combination even if they're not worn out! I crown dip and crest rather than use wraps, but wraps are to paint what fletch tape is to glue. Use whichever makes you happier. One thing about dipping and cresting that you can't do with wraps is make your arrows absolutely unique.