been usung a feather rest on my Jack howards for years, I still have original rest that come with my first bow in 1983-- I replaced it for my trip, thousands of arrows have been shot off my rest and other FR off my HOwards.
Jack recomended shooting with the cock feather in, you shoukld adjust your arrow so that the feather rides through the area open to the shelf-
I have never noticed any difference in shooting the cock feather in -- Jack made great FR-- I do have Trap's no problem --
You should find better arrow flight when using a
FR. Works for me --
The only down fall is sever rain-- use that feather stuff -- it helps-- my 2114 and wood arrrows of the same spine fly like darts--
Good Shooting --- Float like a feather - sting like a bee.

)) www.classicsportsman.comn coming soon- don't forget your wife--