Bill and Gail,
A real pleasure having you two in camp.
Thanks for buying the WTA hunt and contributing.
I know you are a very active member, and know many of the same folks I do.
It's a great group.
I could tell, Bill, after watching you fling the first two arrows into our practice butt, that if we could put you on hogs, one was going to go down. What an accomplished shot you are!
I hope I never meet you on a 3D hunt. LOL
I wanted to congratulate you on your nice boar and tell you the good news.
I inspected the cleaned up carcass and found the broadhead that Fred gave to you.
I just didn't have a pliers to remove it from where it is solidly embedded in the spine.
I will get you a photo for the story you are going to place in Trad Archer's World Magazine.
I know this head means a lot to you and I will mail it back to you.
email me your address please.
[email protected]