This may be all in my head, or it may be real and common knowledge already, but I figured I would say it anyway.
If you live in Oklahoma, Kansas, Texas, or several other places, you will frequently encounter windy conditions when hunting or practicing. If you choose only to hunt when the wind is less than 15 mph, you will be staying at home more often than hunting. I have my archery targets set up in the backyard shooting mostly from west to east in a direct crosswind from the predominating south winds. I can shoot directly into the wind into my round bale for tuning, but I just practice shooting toward the east. I notice minimal effect on point of impact out to 30 yards due to arrow flight, but I normally shoot skinny shafts with low profile fletching. The problem that I have is when it is pretty windy, like today, with 25-30 mph winds and stronger gusts. It isn't the arrow flight so much as the wind buffeting my body and making it difficult to hold on target.
What I noticed, is by simply going to one knee, or two knees, it dramatically stabilizes my body in a crosswind and tightens up my groups. This is much more the case than when there is little wind and normal size groups. I plan on shooting from this position in strong crosswinds when spot and stalk hunting when conditions allow it.
If this is common knowledge or you don't feel it works for you, sorry for wasting your time.