we shoot a lot of deer here( lots with the ol smoke pole too- some with the bow- when the season is right)
but we have too- cos they're a lot smaller -these blacktails :D .
I think this last summer and fall I put 10 or maybe 12 in our freezer, and helped a few mates out as well- with another half dozen or so- and gave another 3 away to a single mum in town.
but that is all we eat besides salmon- no takeaway joints on island either.
man I sure do miss a nice big fat rump steak sometimes!!
my favourite knife is a knife a Norwegian friend gave me. it the one with the carbon steel blade in the pic below.
holds a razor sharp edge- and just strop it to keep it nice and sharp, and if I let it go too far- not much work to get the edge back.
its a little big- bit of a pig sticker- but think I am going to get one of the smaller ones, also in carbon