I've had numerous dreams about hunting hogs.
One time there were dozens of foam hog targets running by me as I shot as fast as I could. Eventually I just stabbed them with arrows as they zipped past me.
In another dream I was with my friends as I emptied my quiver killing hogs left and right. They kept handing me their arrows and I just kept shooting. Then, suddenly, my buddy turned into Blake Shelton!
I've hunted hogs at our church camp, in my aunt's back yard, and even in town by the post office with the help of a little old lady who was having tea in her front yard!
I've had dreams about huge hogs as big as buffalo that I hid from. Dreams of shooting hogs under water as they ran across the bottom of a pond. And I even dreamed I was driving to hog camp in a an old truck without power steering and couldn't keep up with the rest of the group.
I don't always dream about hogs. I remember one about being in a treestand as monster squirrels, as large as mt lions, were climbing my tree, biting my stand and trying to eat me!
No more Life cereal before bedtime for me!