A friend of mine sent me several True Flight 2" feathers to try out. I have shot 2" vanes out of my wheel bow for years with good success but never entertained using them for my trad gear. After fletching a few arrows up I hit the range last night and was pleasantly surprised the way they performed. Accuracy and flight were just as good as the 5" I have been using. They also seemed quieter so I had the wife go safely down range and to listen to the difference. She was confident they were on every shot. I was convinced that when the Broadheads got screwed on (200 grain VPA 3 Blade) I would see a drop in accuracy but I didn't. Actually with the strong 10-15 MPH winds we were experiencing I thought they did great. I like the look of a 5" helical fletched arrow but I think I am going to set up on of my bows with them.