Ace Hex-Head, without a doubt. My guess is you are worried about dogs being cut? No worries with the Ace blunt.
I've never had a chance to shoot a pheasant, but what they do to grouse is almost obscene. On the only grouse hunt I've been on, we lost birds to rubber blunts, regular steel blunts, and judo's. Every bird that was hit with an Ace, even marginal hits, went down. I had my birds mounted, and the taxidermist pitched a fit--the Ace blunt does a lot of damage.
Other than that, you might consider a Muzzy with practice blades installed--big hole in the bird, but no sharp edges to worry about.
On a side note, could someone direct me to a place to pheasant hunt that's within driving distance of Northeast Mississippi? I don't mean 2 or 3 days driving! Or is that wishful thinking?