So my first ever long bow came today that I purchased off the classifieds on here (FYI: if you haven't been on them, it os WELL worth the $30.00 fee!) The bow is a Don Dow Stik, 50# @ 28" in what I believe was his "desert camo". Sorry,
No photo bucket, sorry. Bow is gorgeous in my eyes. Very sleek, light, and looks very well built. I was a little on the fence from straying far from my recurves that I've come to know and trust, but wow! Sooo smooth and quiet. Everyone says their bow is dead in the hand, I know, but this really is. I don't even have string silencers on it yet and its so quiet compared to my curve. My first arrow (wood, of course!) hit the bullseye. Hah! I know the "shoots where I look" line is pretty played, but this sure seems to. The grip is much more "managable" than either of my recurves and feels great in my hand. I don't know.... I may just become a longbow convert.. Haha
Oh, and a few posts I read mentioned how the Don Dows aren't all that fast, but I notice no real difference between my other bows.. of course its not as if those are high-performance bows.