In response to several threads on loose fitting finger tabs(or losing them altogether),I stumbled on a method that worked very well for me.Cheap and only minutes to do.
Material: 1/8" brass compression ring from plumbing supplies
16" to 18" parachute cord (depending on hand size)
1/8" O ring
My tab is a Bateman(love 'm but elastic dies)
Remove old elastic strap(spacer is optional)
Double parachute cord and thread loose ends through the O ring(singe ends first and needle nose pliers helps)
Weave the loose cord ends through the slits of tab going from back to front and to back again.
Insert cord ends from opposite directions(one from the from the right) through compression ring
Time to adjust length is now!!!!
Slide O ring towards tab enough to form small loop for middle finger.
HERE is the KEY!!
Pull the large loop around palm side..not back of the hand.The O ring remains on back of hand and slide(or roll) it towards your wrist to snug the tab up in your palm.Play with the cord/compression ring junction to fit your needs..then hammer or squeeze the compression ring shut on the cord to finalize thr deal.
Customizing to tab types,etc encouraged.
I loop mine on belt,car knob,pack strap,quiver and it's hard to misplace it.
Hope you find valuable..good tabs are treasures.
Thanks Rob for your help.