could be but I don't mess with high FOC, no need even on moose/grizzlies though its fun to tinker, its something I'd like to play with as well at some point.
Try this, if you're heeling hard try not heeling the bow and see what happens. Or visa versa....if you're high wristing it, put your heel down see what happens. Try playing with the amount of pressure. Its going to affect the tiller of the bow, take a kids bow you'll really see it. Your form itself may be fine, the bow may just need to be shot differently than you're used to shooting it and now its finally showing itself.
I've had a few bows with regular FOC arrows that I had this very issue and this is how I figured it out...and also ended up having issues down the road with bows that normally shot well, come to find out I changed. oops.