I bought an old Crooked Stic bow at this past years Pre-spring arrow fling in AL and absolutely loved it! I had never heard of one and an old bow peddler had it sitting out so I asked him if I could try it out.
I took it out and shot some arrows through it and boy could that baby shoot! I was on the list to have my first custom bow made by another bowyer at the time and was getting this one to get used to a longbow until I came u on the list.
A buddy of mine shot it too and I about had to fight him for the rights to buy it. He was later able to track down Mike Miller who makes them. Mike doesn't advertise that I have ever seen.
I also spoke to Mike and was very impressed with the time he took to talk to me and answer all my silly questions. I wound up not having my bow made by the previous bowyer and asked Mike to make me one. It has been very nice working with Mike and him being available to communicate any time. I have felt like a part of it being made through the whole ordeal. The personal touch and open communication has been great and a terrific experience! I wanted a short bow that I could handle a 30" draw without stacking and pinching. Mike wanted to play with designing one that fit my needs and built me a prototype to try out before he built mine.
What a beautiful bow! It shot great and I didn't have a lick of grief with or about it! When my hand rested on its handle it was like the clouds parted, rays of sunshine descended upon my hand, and angels broke out in chorus! I have never laid my hand on a bow that felt so wonderful to me! Unfortunately it was 50# at 28" or I would have bought it also on the spot. I called Mike and told him that everything was perfect and making mine in that fashion was a solid GO! Fortunately it was perfectly weighted for my nephew whose bow had just delaminated. I called Mike and talked with him about it and he sold that bow to my nephew for only $350. What a great guy!
So, now my 58" 2 piece TD is being built, and man am I excited about it! I told Mike that I wanted a 2 piece TD that was all business! Camo action wood that would blend naturally. I am drooling at the mouth to get that bad boy in when he is done! He sent me some pics of it in progress that I wanted to share with everyone on here!
I can't wait to see it finished! I will post more pics as he sends them to me and I will post some pics of my nephews bow when I get a chance to take them! What a beautiful bow!