So I've never owned a bow cut to center with a shelf before the one I'm shooting now, and it's hard getting used to it. My spine requirement went up, aiming is harder (I'm trying to learn instinctive since my horn bow requires it) and the arrow sits off my hand, throwing off the feel of everything.
My wife has a cut to center bow as well, and her arrow setup is tuned to her bow pretty well. But I hear about arrow rests and plungers and all kinda stuff, and I have no idea what they are or what they do or if they're even useful. She shoots with the shelf on the same side as you guys, and I shoot opposite with a thumb ring. I figure you'll have more advice for her than me, which is just fine. I want to get her setup as good as possible so she has every opportunity to excel, which she's not doing bad at all. I just don't know enough about her equipment to be of help.