I agree with Mr. Scifres, they are tough buggars! I like blunts as they do not stick in trees real easy and I like old broadheads that I do not shoot anymore. I hit one the other day with a judo about mid-body from 12 yards and took him rght off the side of the tree, he ran 30 yards with my arrow hanging and than managed to get up a tree and int a hole as my arrow pulled out all the way through. I make my arrows form dowels from Lowes and use old feathers and bits and pieces of feathers, I can make them for about $15 a dozen and do not worry about losing a $7 carbon. i use thje kissing the back of my hand for a call and it works well for me, I spot and stalk mostly but will climb into one of my stands and sit patiently if it is near some good nut trees, good luck and have fun! Shawn