I am off to the Dorchester marches for my last scouting trip be for the seasion opens . I hope to leave tomoral morning for 4-5 days . Hope to put up at least 2 tree stands and maybe 1-2 trial cameras .I have made trips in March , Apral , May and have one camera out . It is a 3 mile walk from parking .I was getting good pic. of Sika in May and June . I am hoping to see some pic. of stages when I pull the card . I am enjoying the marshes of Maryland very much . The challenges of a new environment or very rewarding . I hope to hunt for a week or so each month of the 5 month seasion . I will be mainly concentrating on Sika ,but have one spot that has some Whittales all so . We will see . It has been great fun so far , and I am looking forward to much more .
May life's simplest things bring you the greatest pleasures !!!