Keep a spray bottle with peroxide in your car. Get it and squirt , blood bubbles. Use a tracking stick. Take a straight stick find a good set of tracks from your deer. When yo run out of sign, go back and measure with the stick to help locate where the next track might be.
Also trail off to the side so you do not mess up an important spoor that might be needed later.
Daddy long legs are attracted to blood some say. Just a tip I cannot confirm.
Remember, this deer may be lying down, watching your feet come along and the low hanging brush masks him from you. Kneel down and peer around a bit
You may not see a whole deer, so look for parts- black nose or eye , pink ear white hocks or rump
Your feet go thump thump. Deer sound like 3 legs or a constant noise. Drag a stick behind you so you sound like an animal or animals walking
When you spot a downed animal, do not walk directly at it, but rather walk at a 45 degree angle and glance with side vision. Looking at any game animal gives them the Two eye predator response
I will look into my notes to review as I have not taught a class this year yet. 2more
SLOW DOWN. Speed may not be your friend as you may miss something
looking is not seeing, listening is not hearing