Rubber tote in the pick up, ozonics, scent lock, sprays, waffers, rubber boots, etc....IMO its all just band aids on not hunting the right way. As mentioned above hunting the wind is everything.
Its a rare day a back pack hunter will hike a rubber tub full of scent lock and a gallon of scent spray into the back country let alone a fresh change of clothes washed in scent eliminator for every day afield.
Dont get to caught up in the scent control. Do what you can when you can and always hunt the wind is my best advise.
But then again I don't use or believe in any of that scent control stuff so take my opinion with a grain of salt.
Pack light and hunt hard...remember underwear can be fresh 6 times...3 holes and 2 sides... Rotate,rotate, rotate,flip, rotate, rotate, rotate, wash! Lol.