The best money you can spend on archery. You can learn more in a few days with Rod than you can learn on your own in 10 years.
This is a guy who doesn't just talk the talk, he walks the walk. His resume' is one that few could begin to compare with. He's an accomplished target archer, coach, AND hunter.
He doesn't try to baffle you (he ain't smart enough for those big words). Seriously though, he keeps it at a level anyone can understand. He's easy to talk to, and you can ask lots of questions.
What you see is what you get--and what you'll see is a good 'ol boy from AL who loves archery and has put the time and work and study it takes to shoot bows and shoot them well. He's worked long and hard to get where he is in the sport.
Go if you can--you won't regret it.