Originally posted by Gordon Jabben: I hunt small game because I enjoy it, not to help me on big game but I know what you are going through. I have a problem freezing on targets like if I'm in a shoot off at an archery tournament. I have never had a problem freezing on deer for some reason but I tend to freeze on rabbits and sometimes squirrels if it is a real easy shot. I guess I'm afraid of missing. Hope the small game hunting helps.
Originally posted by Bjorn: My mind goes completely blank from starting to draw to moment of impact on the critter. Stop that mental checklist and let your mind and body take over control.
Originally posted by ChuckC: Gil, I had the opposite affliction. I often couldn't get it all the way back before my brain said "let er go" ! If I drew down on ANYTHING, I had better want to kill it cause many of those times I would let go and not be able to control it.I finally found the magic way to beat that.CHuckC