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Topic: elk bow decision (Read 790 times)
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Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 662
elk bow decision
August 30, 2014, 12:26:00 PM »
So I have to wait till the 21st before I'm out of breath on the mountain but I have a question as to your bow prefer acne for elk season.
I have narrowed it down to 2 bows that I have been shooting all summer. Do I take the Widow KBX that I am dead on at 40yds and out (not that I'm going to shoot that far) but not as accurate at 25 and in OR..... the Big Jim Thunderchild that is a tack driver at 25 and in.
Both bows shoot the same Easton FMJ 340 with 300gr up front really pretty well but the arrows are tuned best to the Thunderchild. Both bows are around 60@26
What say you, oh great elk hunters.
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Pete McMiller
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Re: elk bow decision
Reply #1 on:
August 30, 2014, 12:43:00 PM »
Who can say. Visualize a shot at 30yds and ask yourself which bow you want. IMO 40+ is too far for any type of archer unless the animal is rooted to that spot and guaranteed not to move even one step. One step for an elk is ab error of 12-18" at 40 yds.
Charter member - Ye Old F.A.R.T.S and Elkaholics Anonymous
MOLON LABE [mo 'lon la 've]
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Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 348
Re: elk bow decision
Reply #2 on:
August 30, 2014, 12:57:00 PM »
My choice would be the "Tack driving" Thunderchild. 1-most of my shooting opportunities while elk hunting are at mountain grouse. Elk are big critters either set up will probably work for you if the opportunity presents itself. Good Luck!
Martin Hatfeild TD (bearings)RC
Trails End (Good Medicine) RC
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Aspen (Elite) LB
Public Land Hunter
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Re: elk bow decision
Reply #3 on:
August 30, 2014, 03:13:00 PM »
How far off could you be at twenty five and in with the first bow? Elk have huge vitals! Aim at the middle and you should be golden! Also only shoot the bow your going to take till then and only practice the distances you're not as good with it! I won't shoot a first shot at that long distances either but I damn sure practice at those distances cause who knows if you need a follow up shot on a wounded animal and that's all the closer you can get!
David Achatz
Various bows, but if you see me shooting, it's probably a Toelke in my hand!
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 8789
Re: elk bow decision
Reply #4 on:
August 30, 2014, 03:23:00 PM »
You have a bow that is more accurate at 40 but not as much at 25? Anyway I'd go with accuracy at the closer range Elk are fairly ambivalent and nowhere near as jumpy as Whitetails.
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 1803
Re: elk bow decision
Reply #5 on:
August 30, 2014, 03:43:00 PM »
I'd take the KB. Shoot it and get more comfortable at the shorter shots. Then you'll be able to cover a lot of potential shot distances.
Life is a whole lot easier when you just plow around the stump.
2006 64" Black Widow PMA
2009 66" Black Widow PLX
2023 56" Cascade Archery Whitetail Hawk
2023 52" Cascade Archery Golden Hawk Magnum
Rock 'N Bow
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 511
Re: elk bow decision
Reply #6 on:
August 30, 2014, 07:40:00 PM »
I'd use the bow the arrows are tuned with best.
Todd Henck Longbow 68" 58#@28"
Dave Johnson Longbow 66" 60#@27"
Northern Mist Ramer 64" 50#@27"
Northern Mist Classic 68" 52#@28"
Shrew Hill #1 "Alpha" 67" 48#@28"
widow sax
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 591
Re: elk bow decision
Reply #7 on:
August 30, 2014, 07:43:00 PM »
KB all the way you have less chance of missing close then you would and longer range like said before they have a 16" kill zone. I would like to be able to shoot more then 25yrds I will shoot out to 35yrds to 40yrds. Widow
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Trad Bowhunter
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Re: elk bow decision
Reply #8 on:
August 30, 2014, 09:48:00 PM »
Let me clarify that it is me that is less accurate. The KBX is much faster fps it seems and I don't have to consciously hold over the target as much at those distances of 30-40yds. I am much higher hitting at the closer ranges of 20 and in. Can I hit a ping pong ball at 20 with the KB? Not so much, with the Thunderchild, yes sir.
I am still shooting good groups with both.
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Trad Bowhunter
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Re: elk bow decision
Reply #9 on:
August 30, 2014, 09:54:00 PM »
Surely you guys have a bow that may not have the umph of another bow. For me it all comes down to having to aim more at those distances and instinctual goes more out the window. I could be way off in my approach but that's how it floats for me.
It may have been a silly question as I am prone to do that. Am I the only one that it matters?
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ranger 3
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Posts: 2147
Re: elk bow decision
Reply #10 on:
August 30, 2014, 09:55:00 PM »
Groups in only for score, it's the first one that counts. Take them out and shoot one arrow out of both at say 30yrds and go with the best shot.
Black widow PLX 48@28
Black widow PSRX 48@28
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 581
Re: elk bow decision
Reply #11 on:
August 30, 2014, 10:20:00 PM »
Easy, tack driver!
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 1226
Re: elk bow decision
Reply #12 on:
August 31, 2014, 10:41:00 AM »
During your practice sessions, jog back and forth to retrieve your ''arrow'' (singular) and see which one gives you the best accuracy w/ your heart rate up.
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Trad Bowhunter
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Re: elk bow decision
Reply #13 on:
August 31, 2014, 12:18:00 PM »
Running may be the answer. I have only been shooting 1 broadhead arrow at a time just to be realistic.
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Rick James
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 161
Re: elk bow decision
Reply #14 on:
August 31, 2014, 05:51:00 PM »
I agree with Rock'N Bow,
If your arrows aare tuned better to one of your bows then that is the one I would take...even at slower speed a well tuned arrow flying perfectly straight aids greatly in penetration and penetration is what you need on an Elk...
"The credit goes to him who is in the arena, whose face is marred by sweat and blood, who, if he fails, at least he fails while daring greatly, his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who knew neither victory nor defeat." T Roosevelt
Trad Bowhunter
Posts: 779
Re: elk bow decision
Reply #15 on:
August 31, 2014, 06:25:00 PM »
It sounds to me like you want to take the thunderchild judging by the way you describe both so I'd go with that. The thunderchild is a "tack driver" and better tuned but the KBX is dead on only at 40? I guess in a strange way that could make sense but 40 yds isn't a realistic shot to take IMO so I'd take the bow I'm accurate with at hunting ranges
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Trad Bowhunter
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Re: elk bow decision
Reply #16 on:
August 31, 2014, 09:48:00 PM »
All things to consider. I will ride it out a few more shooting sessions to see which one talks to me. Thanks for the input every one.
As far as the "only shoots dead on at 40yds" comments, it is the arc of the arrow is all I can say. One has a flatter trajectory which makes me have to compensate less. I guess it is all in my head.
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