I have 6 stands that have extra long chains on them that I put up in proven spots or big diameter pain the but trees and leave them all season.
All summer I kept saying I think I'm missing a stand and my wife would say no we got them all down in January. But it kept bugging me.
Today I was clearing lanes and putting in bright eyes and other stand prep stuff. I happen to see a great buck cross a 2 track and I thought I used to hunt a half mile in there at a pinch point, I'm gonna take a min and check it out. When I got to the pinch point I saw a stand in the tree and was pretty upset thinking someone found my funnel. Then I got a closer look and thought that guy not only put that stand in the perfect spot he uses the same stands I do....then it hit me....I found my missing stand...I did have 7!
All is good now and I'm not actually crazy, just forgetful.