Many years ago i shot from an elevated bear weather rest on my Bill Stewart recurve, I shot "this bow only" for years. When I started trading / buying /selling bows most had just the shelf and I gravitated to shooting off the self again. A few years back I developed a bad habit of dropping my bow arm when I released. It was not a strength issue, my arm just dropped a bit upon release. This has been a consistent and ongoing problem for me. Well yesterday shooting in the back yard I got the idea to go back to my elevated rest to change my sight picture and see if it would help my problem. Shazam … almost like magic my arm stayed put and did not drop. I shot perhaps 50 arrows or more and NO drop.
In looking back I'm not fully sure what caused the change or problem. It may have been when I changed glasses and began seeing my sight window differently, it may just be the difference of shelf vs elevated rest. I believe that unconsciously I was refocusing my target spot when I came to full draw and dropping my bow arm. I cant my bow a fair amount and bringing the bow more vertical did not really solve the issue, but this rest really seems to have done it. A bit more time will tell but for now it ROCKS !
Hopefully this might help some one else.
Best to ya, Ken