I don't "know" many of the members here but I thought there are maybe some who live near me who hunt. I have access of course to Ft Benning for all hunting needs, but this year I would like to bring my oldest son (9) out hunting. Not to shoot, but just to join and learn. I just don't trust some of the trigger-happy hunters on Ft Benning and plus I would like to use a blind so he can squirm around like small kids are probe to do after long periods of sitting, and the blind would be stolen in a day or two. I know its a long shot, but if anyone in the area around me can help I'd be willing to work something out. The closest WMA is quite a ways, besides it would be much of the same. I am of course only talking trad bow hunting, no guns. Not looking for trophy animals or anything either. Just a peaceful place to teach my son about hunting without being bothered. Haha, isn't that everyone's goal?? Sorry this isn't likely the best place to ask this but I know anything that comes from here is certainly on the level and craigslist kind of creeps me out. Plus, I don't really have $1,500 for a lease at the present. Thanks regardless, happy shooting and hunting everyone!