Once there was a manly recurve from the west. His name was Nuck Chorris. He was stoutly built and of good size. He hurled arrows with the best of them and his reputation was legendary.
One day while in the east he met an odd looking little recurve named Luce Bree.
He was athletic but slight in stature. But Nuck was impressed with the speed of this one. It seemed to rival or almost surpass his own cast. Yet from a much less substantial recurve.
Eventually they went there separate ways, but Nuck has always remembered this odd interaction and marveled at the strength of this smaller framed recurve.
All kidding aside, what are the pros and cons of the longer and more substantial western style recurve vs the smaller eastern cousin? (I am including bows with siyahs)
I am seriously thinking of getting an eastern style bow and am having a hard time finding a reason not to as many seem smaller, lighter, and just as fast. What am I missing?