Been shooting since the 80's. Shot mostly Wes Wallace bows, 60-65#'s. Have always shot 2213, 2117, 2216's with ease. Have read all the tuning articles, ACS, Easton, Ken Beck's short video, etc.
Got a 64" Silvertip, 60# @ 32", some years ago. Put on a Bear weather rest, tuned some 32" Beman 400's with 100gr inserts (or 50gr, shoots em both), 145gr points/heads. Shot these since I've had it and they fly good.
I draw a full 31 3/4 to 32" (blessed with monkey arms). Lately I have wanted to go back to shooting off the shelf. Well that poses a problem with my arrow length needing to be 33". Picked up some 2117's, cut em to 33", 3 big 5" feathers. Bear rug rest, velcro side plate.
Fletched shafts kick up coming out and the straighten out. Bare shafts nock high no matter what I try. Bare shafts group with fletched out to 20yds., but nock 30 deg or more. I have moved brace height, nock point, built out side plate, lighter/heavier points, shoot 3 under, split finger, changed strings, etc. Been so long since I've had problems, maybe I'm forgetting something?? Any suggestions appreciated.