CALL big jim or any other trad sponsor on this site and you'll have some GT Trad blems or similar carbons fit to you/your bow by next weekend. Likely a 31" or full-length 15/35 or 35/55 spine, based on your point/adapter weights.
Have him install 4 or 5 inch feathers on at least 9 of them, leaving a few w/o to bareshaft tune to help you check your form, etc. Get a dozen 50 and 100 grain brass inserts for them and a few different field tips weights to experiment with your tune, say 125 gr, 145, 175, 200 to start.
Get some Easton or similar hot melt glue, some saran wrap to help temporarily hold in your adaptors during tuning trial/error. Then give one of your trad brothers a pm or call during the process to help.
Let us know...