Can you access from the lake or must you park in the lot ?
I myself would start looking along the lake, around where the two lower bays are, as shown by the lines jutting west. Winds that time of the year are normally from the west on around to the north, that quadrant. Scent will blow from the lot right into the hunting area.
Scent from along the lake blows out onto the lake.
The lake also forms a boundary or barrier for deer travel and there should be at least one big trail somewhere withing 50 yards of the shore, following the shore.
It appears that trails or fence lines run into a sort of center, right in that area I am speaking. I would check out that edge trail for moving deer and also, check out the edge of the treeline (just west of there) where it meets the wetter areas and "bog". If there happens to be an apple of similar tree in that area, that might draw a deer or two.
Another thing you can do, especially if you have a ghillie suit or such, is to find a main trail right thru the marsh and find a spot downwind and cut yourself a nest in the grass or cattails, maybe 10-15 yards from the trail.
Make certain you have shooting spots and that you can see at least a little bit on the trail, so they don't just walk by and you never see them. I find that very few hunt where there are no trees and those trails thru the marsh often get under hunted.
That should be a good spot and a good time of the year to hunt it.
Good luck.