Thanks for all the replies guys.
I remember that the string is made of D97.
I remembered having a new B50 string of the right length for the Predator tucked away, so tried it today.
The bow was a lot quieter (more on that later). I didn't notice much more hand shock nor vibration. I DID notice a reduction in cast. Not enough to change my sight picture at twenty yards or less, but, it was definitely slower.
I can say so for sure even without a chronograph, because my shield cut high backs really scream with the D97 string, but don't with the dacron.
After trying the dacron string, I realized that it was wearing two wool silencers made by Two Tracks. The original D97 wore a set of small diameter cat whiskers.
So, the noise difference couldn't be compared objectively between the two different materials.
I then restrung with the original D97 string after installing a pair of these wool silencers with the original cat whiskers. The difference in noise was like night and day!!! Just a soft, dull thump is heard now at release, followed by the screech of the high back shields racing downrange!!!
Just wanted to report my findings to all the kind souls that offered their advice here.
Much appreciated, Skychief.
PS: I have to wonder now if my screaming fletches might be a problem while deer hunting, but, that will be another thread possibly.